Masyu by Nikoli

Published by HAMSTER, Developed by -

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: Jul 19th, 2012 | EU release date: -

Prices: $4.99 (US) | £5.40 (UK) | €6.00 (EUR)

Masyu by Nikoli

Masyu by Nikoli contains 50 Masyu puzzles.

Enjoy high-quality Masyu puzzles created by Nikoli, who gave the world-famous sudoku puzzle style its name. Masyu by Nikoli contains 50 puzzles. Masyu is a puzzle in which you draw a line through spaces according to certain rules. Learn the attributes of the black and white circles and you'll be able to play in no time. The patterns through which lines can be drawn are more numerous than you can imagine, and it's fun to discover tactical moves. The game includes both Stage Clear mode and Random mode. In Stage Clear mode, you progress by clearing puzzles one by one. In Random mode, puzzles are generated at random.

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