Quell Reflect

Published by CIRCLE, Developed by F K Digital

Genres: Puzzle / Strategy (1 players)

US release date: Feb 20th, 2014 | EU release date: Jul 3rd, 2014

Prices: $3.99 (US) | £3.49 (UK) | €3.88 (EUR)

Quell Reflect

Quell Reflect is an enchanting game of logic, which has taken the puzzle world by storm.

Quell Reflect is an enchanting game of logic, which has taken the puzzle world by storm. Put your brain to the test with this charming puzzle game that features over 100 levels of addictive, lateral thinking. Featuring a beautiful exclusive soundtrack by Steven Cravis, Quell Reflect is a deceptively simple, and easy to pickup game that will test your brain in new ways. Be prepared to lose yourself in this entrancing Zen classic!

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