The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll

Published by Genius Sonority, Developed by Genius Sonority

Genres: RPG (1 players)

US release date: May 8th, 2014 | EU release date: May 8th, 2014

Prices: $9.99 (US) | £8.99 (UK) | €9.99 (EUR)

The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll

The Denpa Men are mysterious creatures that live among radio waves.

Invisible to the naked eye, they can only be seen and caught by looking through your Nintendo 3DS. In this game, catch Denpa Men, form your team, and head out on an exciting adventure across the world. All to save a special someone!

This time, some Denpa Men can capture monsters, turning them into allies who can be summoned to your side ? capture powerful monsters to turn the tide of battle! Also, your Denpa Men friends now have their own little homes, which can be customised and decorated to suit your style.

Online play is now better than ever. Trade items with players worldwide, and lend or borrow Denpa Men. You can import your hero and bring all your friends from the previous two games in the series, too.

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