The Legend of Kusakari

Published by Nnooo, Developed by Librage

Genres: Action / Adventure / Puzzle (1 players)

US release date: Aug 25th, 2016 | EU release date: Aug 25th, 2016

Prices: $4.99 (US) | £3.99 (UK) | €4.43 (EUR)

The Legend of Kusakari

Help the heroes and cut that grass!

You know what's the worst thing ever? Fighting slimes and dragons while you're knee-deep in grass and weeds. Well, if Kusakari has anything to do with it, it won't be that way for long! Get your scythe sharpened and jump into this quirky Japanese adventure-puzzle game.

Slice through over 50 levels of grass-filled action and help those heroes save the kingdom, in battlegrounds fit to have a picnic on!

Are you up to the challenge? Compete to cut the most grass in the endless grass-cutting competition, and record your best score in the online leaderboards!

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