
Published by CIRCLE, Developed by -

Genres: Puzzle (1 players)

US release date: Aug 22nd, 2013 | EU release date: Nov 14th, 2013

Prices: $2.99 (US) | £2.50 (UK) | €2.78 (EUR)


Wakedas is a contemplative and thoughtful shape shifting puzzle game with the perfect combination of eye-candy visuals and serene sounds.

Radiant multicoloured tiles rests on an infinite loop; aim of the game is to group same colored blocks together by simply dragging your Stylus across the screen.

    Wakedas features
  • Learn the rules in less than 3 seconds.
  • 300 unique puzzles that will challenge your brain.
  • Separate and combine similar colors with minimal steps.
  • Hint system in place to give you a boost.

Try to solve all of the enjoyable Wakedas puzzles that will light up your imagination.

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