Super Smash Bros Brawl has gotten off to a flying start, selling over 1.4 million copies since its launch just over a week ago. In doing this, it's now recognized as the fastest selling game in Nintendo of America's history.
Records indicate that it's been selling at a rate exceeding 120 copies per minute. That's a lot of brawling. Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway commented:
"Super Smash Bros Brawl has made the leap from video game to cultural phenomenon. Game reviewers and the public alike praise its fun gameplay and extensive, inventive content".
Dunaway was quick to add that more big titles are on the horizon, in the form of Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit.
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User comments
AJR said:
A Guy said:
They're planning on this being the last one? With all the money they could be getting? No way, they've got to make more. Fastest selling American Nintendo game EVER? That's HUGE. Old Sakurai is probably drowning in dough by now.
i need a wiieww said:
Sweetage- shame about the problem about the online, is anybody here suffering bad problems with their wifi matches?
BMasher said:
Cool, maybe now they can afford to improve their online gaming?
Wii Rox said:
Wow, this must be the best game ever. I'm getting a freeloader and a copy of brawl soon.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Awesome, I got mine the second day it came out.
Wiipaw said:
Is this going to be the new Pokemon? Wooooo.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Has this broken any other records out there?
insultman911 said:
I was one of the first people to get the game the hour it came out.
Ian C said:
Wow that's really great *checks watch* 120 more.
insultman911 said:
First it was mario galaxy selling really fast. Now it's brawl.
Meh yoyo said:
SSBB is like the "Halo 3" of Nintendo. The only difference is that I like SSBB and Halo 3 is nothing compared to SSBB.
Ryo said:
Yay! This was one of the biggest duh's of all time.
YoshLee said:
The more support for brawl the better, so glad I got mine the day it came out in America.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Xfe said:
I can understand them saying Mario Kart will be a big hit, but honestly I don't see why they're making Wii Fit look so great. It might be fun, but I don't think it will be a -big- title. Just wait until Brawl gets over to Australia, I'll be one of the first in my city to get it (as I work at EBgames) and I'm sure it will sell just as great over here.
Falcon said:
At least the europe and Aus realease date have been decided.
Mike said:
HOLY MOLY. That's like 2 copies per second. What lucky people.
akash said:
Nintendo is truly the apotheosis.
eric ♥ wii said:
Wow that's great for Nintendo! But I don't think Wii Fit or Mario Kart Wii will be as successful as Brawl.
Zendalf said:
I'm surprised they kept that many in stock.
shindrA said:
The storyline is great with a lot of gameplay. You can notice that they didn't just pop out game hoping it would be a hit. They have put a huge effort in this one. I really enjoy the music when playing, congrats Nintendo.
Wii Freak said:
I was one of those people.
sexystf said:
With this stats sure we will have a smash bros 4 very soon (2010?).
Wii Freak said:
I never knew Brawl would do so well. I wonder what Wii fit will be like.
Plaugefiend said:
Too bad Sakurai isn't that old.
Joewii29 said:
I got it the day it came out, got to play it a couple days, then I was put in the hospital. I can't wait to go home to play it.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I'm not surprised, this is the best game out there I've played.
foxpwns said:
Same for me joewii29 but I had to go out of country and I couldn't bring my Wii and brawl copy with me. Can't wait to go back home.
Wii Freak said:
This gaming year belongs to Nintendo.
Aeth said:
A new Brawl won't be made unless a new Nintendo console is made.
pichu fan said:
Wow in your face 360, you too sony, your god of war couldn't match up to super smash bros brawl. This is the god of games.
PitLurver said:
I'm playing it right now. I can't wait for the Gaming Awards, and the year just begun. This game's going to pwn. No, scratch that. It does pwn.
Brawler Freak31 said:
This game is awesome. Been playing it for 2 weeks and still going strong. Buy it soon.