Three new kids games have been spotted on the ESRB list. The titles are The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy published by Midway, Veggie Tales: LarryBoy and the Bad Apple, and Ice Age 2: The Meltdown from Vivendi. We'll keep you up to date with any new info on the games respective pages.
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spleefian said:
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User comments
Jaconius said:
Boo! No more little kid games. Except Billy and Mandy, those guys are cool.
some gamer said:
All except Billy and Mandy shouldn't be in there. Everything else they'll all stink in the end.
quartzlcc said:
OH NOES! MORE SUPPORT FOR WII! MORE GOOD THINGS FOR WII! TERRIBLE! Issues, dude. The games will suck, but at least it's more support and therefore success for Wii.
Lord Random said:
This is exactly what ruined Gamecube's reputation - little kids. Because most of the Gamecube games, everyone thought that it was a little kids' console. Therefore many of the awesome (if any) PS2 and Xbox games weren't released on the Cube. But look at some of the more recent games on DS. They've sold millions! And the Wii is just as, if not more innovative than the DS so the last thing we need is little kids' games to spoil the rep that it's going to get.
Koen van Beeck said:
Yeah, let's ignore the kids! The age group that made video gaming what it is today! Seriously. Why is the gaming community becoming so Anti-kids? We get our games, the little kids get theirs. Deal with it. Go to a theatre and hold a demonstration against kids movies, why don't you.
M!! said:
I don't want more ports + kiddie games, although Billy and Mandy will be cool!
Lord Random said:
Okay, so I was harsh. I had my reasons. Look, the gaming community put Gamecube down as a kiddes' concole and it got a bad rep. Such a bad rep that even people that had owned at least one Nintendo console went od to PS2 and Xbox. Conclusion: Yes, little kids need little kids' games. However, too many kids' games leads to the belief that the console the games were released on is for kids only.
PHiRE said:
I think Nintendo will still get that label regardless of the games, simply because Mario is a 'cartoon character' and fanboys of the other consoles are morons. Kids are probably an important part of the market so it's good Nintendo has them covered too.
Koen van Beeck said:
And we all know 3 is too many. Regardless, PHiRE is totally right.
Shadow Killer said:
All 3 games are bad ideas. A Veggie Tales game sounds pretty boring. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy as a video game? MUHAHA! Sounds STUPID! No kiddie games! THEY SUCK! We need games with lots of ACTION & FIRE POWER!
PHiRE said:
Hehe alright, maybe it's not just the other consoles.
splintercell4ever said:
Hey guys Ice Age was a good movie and is NOT just for kids. Veggie Tales is also a good show too. Don't complain about these being for little kids when you can look in the mirror and see you're not that mature either.
Epsilon said:
If the Wii gets kids games, fine. They'll get more sales. Besides, just because they're there doesn't mean you actually have to buy/play them. The only question now is: "Why are they still making Ice Age 2 games?". The world will never know.
Mandy of Death said:
No kiddie games! Video games are not for kiddie-widdie babies.
ganondorfrules said:
Ok the part about Nintendo bringing in kids games is totally stupid, I'm 15 yrs old and I'm not likely to buy them but if Nintendo decides to make maybe 10 at the most of kiddie games then that's their choice. We, the older and more experienced gamers here, the true fans of the wii and nintendo are just going to have to deal with it and buy/play games that appeal to us e.g. SSBB, Metroid Prime 3 and LoZTP ok? And besides them bringing out kiddie games means they are providing for all age groups, so meaning more profits to make better games for us.
Koen van Beeck said:
Yes they are MoD, you intolerant jerk.
Fattasss said:
The games that were "cool" were not released because many third party makers don't support Nintendo. Not because their rep is ruined by kiddy games. He is basically saying the 3rd party makers said "Wow, our awesome game is way too cool to be on the kiddy gamecube. What a loser system". No. Anyways I don't really care that more kid games are added because I won't play them, but I don't hate it because it don't affect my thoughts.
Hey said:
I like some 3D kids' movies but not when they pretend they can do gaming. Epsilon, oddly enough there are a bunch of games based on movies that actually came/come out a few months earlier than the Wii's launch date. I.E. The Ant Bully, Ice Age 2, Barnyard and a few others that I've forgotten about because they make my stomach quiver.
Shadow Killer said:
Mandy of Death is not a jerk! You don't even know her but I do (and she is really a nice person)!
Someone said:
It's alright if they make kids game, only if they make adult games too. Kids need to have fun as well.
Lord Random said:
Here's another thing for 'no point making kids' games. Kids these days don't even seem to want to play kids' games any more. Okay so the REALLY little kiddies, e.g 5 years old may still play 'em. But the older kids, i.e 7-13, are all into the Tony Hawk, WWE and GTA crap. They think it's all great, even though they're the worst 'mature' video games on PS2 ever! There are SOME decent games on PS2 and Xbox but they think that they're crap. See? No point.
Shadow Killer said:
Kids like the games we like! These games are an insult to some kids. Little kids can have their games but do not make too many of them! We need to give kids a little more respect! I went to a kids hospital and on TV they just played preschool shows. Kids 7 & up need games like ours but not as extreme.
splintercell4ever said:
Hey GTA and Tony Hawk games are fun. Well at least the first Tony Hawk games. You guys are just jealous (like myself) that GTA wasn't on Gamecube.
Unknown said:
I don't know why 3rd party companies have to give Nintendo lame kid games. All but Billy and Mandy shouldn't be there.
Mandy of Death :-( said:
All 3 games sound LAME! I just don't see how kids like The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. The show is just dang STUPID.
IM THE NUB said:
This is stupid, all these games will most likely be poorly rated. Yes it's important to have kid games, but this time round I think Nintendo should be more focused on games that everyone will like (such as Zelda and Mario). Oh well, these kid games won't ruin Wii's rep, Gamecube looked like a toy that's problaby why it's labelled a kiddie console.
lloyd said:
If they're going to make kid games they could at least put some effort into them. They are all awful and I don't know why any kid would put himself or herself through it! I can't really remember countless lame kids games on the n64? Best console ever by the way! I was playing Goldeneye at 9 years old! And most 9 year olds today probably couldn't even get off the 1st level. The Wii looks like a toy as well, moreso than the Gamecube. But oh well.
FoolKilla said:
Every damn movie that turns into a kid game sucks. They just don't get it any more. It's what is tearing Nintendo apart from us.
Master Foot said:
The first thing I though was that Wiimote can be used for a variety of teaching applications for kids, but the last thing we need are kids sitting in front the TV all day. It sounds like a good idea, but I vote NO. Even "kiddie" games should take a back seat.
jo said:
HELLO! Without kiddie games a lot of families won't be attracted to wii!
Deadlyblack said:
What is all the arguing about? I hate these games, but if Nintendo wants to release them, then let them. We can't stop them at all. It's their choice.
leeleesoso said:
Hello, I am a mother of 3 small girls and I am appalled by some of the comments posted above. We just purchased a Wii and so far only have the sports game, but can't wait to buy some of the kids games that will be suitable for our oldest who is 4. Anything to keep her entertained for a little while! But my point is that we have absolutely no intention of letting them play games that involve violence and bad language as that is not how we want our girls to grow up behaving. It seems to me that a lot of you are in your teens and I hate to tell you but in the scheme of things you are still children yourselves and this post will make much more sense to you all when you have small children of your own. I say bring on dora and blues clues. I am actually disappointed they haven't been released already.
Onceakid said:
Do you people not remember when you were kids? I'm sure you would have loved to watch your geeky parents take the 2600 and play pong instead of letting you play. You are more concerned with the perception of a gaming console than with people getting to enjoy themselves, kids no less. If you think the fact that kids are attracted to something might hurt its market share or the like, you are no business major.
insanediego said:
Wii's rep will be dependent on how good the adult games are regardless of the quality of the kids games. Bring on the kids games! Just don't abandon the quality of the adult games in the process.
Robocoastie said:
The thing that's nice about Nintendo is they've never forgotten that they are the family friendly console. I plan on getting a Wii this christmas BECAUSE of kids games.
KaciMAe said:
Love it! I am so glad that they put kid games on here. It is hard to find them good games from different characters they love that is not impossible to play. So glad they have them for my boys.
SmartMom said:
As a mom of three, I agree with the comment that they should put more effort into the kids games and not just throw together a game based on a movie. Kids are smart and want games that provide substance. Intelligent, well-designed games can attract adults and kids without resorting to movie knockoffs or violence.
manders said:
Once you have kids you'll understand the importance of being able to do things TOGETHER. I bought the Wii for myself, but am happy my 4 year old can play games that don't involve killing prostitutes.
Lulu said:
Wow. What a lot of pompous, arrogant gaming snobs. Children are not children for very long and the Company that ignores their future spending power does so at it's own peril. Why can't a gaming console cater for children, teens and adults and not just sad, spotty geeks who have nothing else to do.
frogman said:
I happen to like the veggietales.
Andria said:
I came to this sight to find Wii game suggestions for my kids and found a lot of losers who need to stop playing video games and get a life! Don't take the games away from the kids.
Katie said:
We also have 3 young children and are really looking forward to being able to play Wii as a family. It is awesome that they are making kids games. Having these kids games available was a major selling point for me. We just got this for our family for Christmas this year. My husband loves to game, and since we have had children, we have become increasingly aware how inappropriate most games are for young children(and older children as well). I don't think they will get bored playing these games because we can play together as a family. When they get older, then we can re-evaluate, but letting them play whatever they want just so they don't get bored is not our philosophy. Thank you Wii for making kids games! As gamers begin having children, they are looking for quality entertainment that is acceptable for their children.
Virg said:
I am absolutely shocked that none of you so called "adult" gamers remember the joy you had as a young kid playing your first Nintendo games (or if you're my age, Atari. God, I'm old). Why try to take this joy away for kids today? So many games out there are completely inappropriate- I too would prefer my 5 year old not learn to shoot cops and prostitutes. Beyond that, obviously you complainers have no job, or you would have some basic understanding of business. Kids = profit. Nintendo is in business to make money, not make you feel cool. Get over yourself.
mella said:
Wasn't Wii promoted as a "family" console. I think a small portion of games should be directed towards young children.
TC said:
My kid is 4? There's simply a limit to his attention span, but more importantly, there's a limit to his ability control a character. Of the play/sport games, the bowling is his favourite, mainly because the control is simple. Press button, swing, let go of button. Games like the tank game where he has to control both the tank and the aim, and keep track of both are simply too much. He tries, but most of the time he forgets to either move or shoot. Right now he's playing Super Mario Galaxy. It's at the edge of what he can do, but it has a really well though out control scheme and he can do it. Anybody else with a mini-gamer around that age, that can recommend a game?
a person said:
Yeah. They keep making games for the ds but they don't make it for the Wii! Such as Call of Duty 4. It's for practically everything but the Wii.
Cymbeline said:
Good heavens, all this arguing over how many kids games should be on the Wii! There will be as many as can be sold at a profit. Nintendo has purposely marketed the Wii at the family market, the newbie market and the occasional gamer market so there will be more child friendly, family friendly or party type games offered on the Wii than on the other platforms. Wii has decided not to compete head on with Sony or Microsoft so they have found their own niche and a wildly popular niche it is too. The real question is not whether there are many games out there that you won't play, the question is whether there are games out there that you will play. There could be thousands of kiddie games of no interest to you and 20 must have games you really like and you will still buy the console. If there is enough interest in the more mature games, there will be more made for Wii. So don't be threatened by the kiddie games; the kids and the games aren't spoiling your time. If there isn't anything on the Wii that you like, it could mean that you are not in the Wii demographic.
Jeffrey said:
Are there any games appropriate for my 2 year old twin niece and nephew? Recommend some please, if you can, or point me to a Wii for Kids (only) location?
Roflman said:
Those of you who say kids games killed gamecube are morons. Wii has sold incredibly despite the fact it is fantastic for kids.
Melanie said:
Elebits is great for little kids. Also Mysims- my 6 and 8 year olds both love it, because your character doesn't die, and you get to dress up your character and your town endlessly. Also Endless Ocean is great- but more for my 8 year old, they can pet the fish and collect them for their aquarium. And don't forget Dog Island- not only is it adorable, but they can custom make their puppy from over 30 breeds and then go on little adventures. Hope that helps.
Leonardo Storti said:
Let me start off saying that I have a Wii. The only reason I bought a Wii, was for the anticipated game of SSBB and Zelda, although I already have Zelda Twilight for the gamecube. Nonetheless, it's a very good Zelda game, especially the fact that Link has a ridiculously long ass Master Sword. With Nintendo, you kind of have to be patient, I'm sure Nintendo didn't leave the hardcore gamers out. Sure Nintendo may be getting HUGE on the Nintendo Wii sales, but what's the point of buying a Wii if there are not many good games for it? So you can say, that Nintendo is suffering with the video game sales. The best games out right now are: Zelda TP, SSBB, RE4, Guitar Hero 3 and Aerosmith, Rock Band, No More Heroes, Mario Galaxy, Mario Wii Kart or something, Geometry Wars (and I say Geometry Wars because it is a very addicting game), Soul Calibur Legends (to be honest I did not like that game one bit, I don't know about you people though, to me that game killed the real meaning of Soulcalibur, because Soulcalibur is a fighting game, not a lame ass Action Adventure game), and of course the game that will come out this October for all the consoles, Guitar Hero World Tour. It could be better than Rock Band, and I'm hoping to be so because it is said that the Wii will have downloadable songs for that game unlike Rock Band. And yet there are still more games we need to anticipate such as: F-ZERO, another Zelda game (and I hope the other zelda game does not look cartoony like crappy Windwaker, Link is a Bad Ass, Good Looking Guy with an awesome sword and shield. Thank you for making windwaker look cartoony), and possibly another Mario, but I think Galaxy is the last best for the Wii so probably not. With those games in mind, video game sales will be over the roof, but if they keep making video games out of cartoon movies or games that just plain suck, and try to trick kids and parents into buying them, then they won't get very far. Because the smart, loyal, Hard Core Nintendo Fan, knows what to buy and what not to buy. So you guys shouldn't worry about the kid games. They put out the crap games first, they make the hardcore gamers wait in suspense. But just wait. And more good games will come out for the mature audience, I hope. Nintendo was always like this guys, just be patient.
Leonardo Storti said:
This is a message for the parents posts, honestly, why do you parents come here and even post? Have you ever heard the saying, "sex and violence sells?" and it really does, incredibly. I understand your concern about the violent games, but it's people like you that kill the true meaning of gaming. We argue about this because we are getting more kid games than games for the adult or mature audience, THANKS TO YOU PARENTS! That's why we are griefing here, if you want your kids to play kid games that's fine, it's called good parenting I know and it's a good thing, but remember this, your kids will grow up, and no matter how much you try to keep them away from violence or sex or any of the other stuff, they will still know about it someday. And then, they won't play the kid games they used to play, they will start playing violent ones, and even more so if you keep trying to prevent it.
Wii Freak said:
I totally agree with you Leonardo Starti.
robotninjapirate said:
Kids need something to play too. I just hope that Nintendo hasn't stopped making games for the fans. Love ya Big N.
YoshLee said:
I agree with Leonardo to an extent. He's right the older you get the more violent games you play but I have been playing Super Mario World games all my life and if you'd ask me the Super Mario series is a kids game. So I wouldn't say people STOP playing kids games if the games are fun (like Super Mario series games) they'll continue to play them with the addition of the violent games.
Thug L1f3 said:
Preach brother preach.
Leonardo Storti said:
Well, I'm just trying to prove a point, but Yoshlee is right. I think I may have exaggerated a bit here. Yeah I still play Mario, at least the classics and the DS version, you really can't beat the classics I mean, they are just the ultimate best. But I guess what I was trying to say is that parents blame games for everything nowadays instead of blaming themselves. It's the parents fault that little kids play violent games in the first place because majority of the parents don't care, they would buy any game for their kid as long as it shuts him up. So, instead of them realizing their own fault they just blame it on the games so they can be scott free, it's not the games fault that turned kids this way, it's the parents irresponsibility of realizing their own actions. Why do you think games have ratings on the side of the video game box? For example: T, M, RP, E. Those are for parents to read and judge if they should buy the game for their kid or not, I'm starting to think that Nintendo got his kiddish face thanks to these people that oppose violent games like this.
Veteran said:
If you've not opened a pong with pistol accessory on christmas day with baited anticiation, then at some point in your life these 'kids' games were targeting you. Get over it. As far as I am concerned, all these games are for kids.
Veteran said:
First off, Leonardo's wisdom is about as fresh as fresh prince. I can't imagine you being older than about 18 since the issues of violence, video games, and parenting has been around and hashed over, and printed for more than 20 years by minds more studious than yours. The real point I see, is that I am frankly bored with the violent games out there. They are all rehashed versions games that have been produced for decades with the exception that graphics are better and they have more content. But even the content is a retread. I think the violence kick is a cheap easy way to market games and putting 'excitement' into it. I am waiting for someone to put out a decent game that does not primarily revolve around violence. Many gamers don't think this can be done and most programmers and producers don't even try. Kids games are the one core of the market that comes close to this, but even many of them rely on some form of conflict, albeit mild, to resolve problems. These kids games are sometimes more addictive than the 'grown up' violent games and by many accounts are the ones that produce the most fun for group interaction (and chics- but I will stop on this point before I insult someone) and may have the most staying power in one's library.
Leonardo Storti said:
Veteran, I'm guessing you are a parent, well I could be wrong, and I am 21 by the way. Also, don't think that my wisdom is wavering, I for one have much wisdom. Anyway, I understand your grief over violent games, even though violent games is a cheap way, it is very effective. You still don't get it though, I have always liked violent games and classical games such as Zelda and Mario. My point for all this and I have said it before, it is the parents fault that little kids play violent games in the first place. Now I'm going to steer this off a little, Nintendo chose to label their new system, "Family Console" why? Very simple, money. It is all about the money, the fact that Nintendo aimed for the non-gamers is utterly sheer brilliance (company wise) who would have ever thought of it huh? Only Miyamoto (creator of Nintendo) could have come up with such an idea. This is just a quick cash in for Nintendo, and a big one I might add. This console has sold 10 times much more than the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I guess you people can understand, I know I said before that we hardcore gamers are not left out. But after that new game, "Wii Music" came out, I am starting to have second thoughts now, I do not know about you guys though.
Hmmm said:
Things that make you go hmmmmm? Wow. It amazes me the way some people think. After reading all this it seems some are self-centered. If a parent is looking for age appropriate games, so what. Of course choices will change as the kids get older. It's no different than movies, television shows, board games, computer games, etc. It all has to do with what you're age is as to what you are interested in.
Melissa said:
WOW, I can't believe all this. You know what I looked for when deciding to buy the Wii? Games suitable for my 7 year old. Games she could grow into. AND games for me! With making these kid friendly games. The Wii now has everything. I can't believe all the griping I am hearing. With every thing we have to worry about today - all this energy could be used elsewhere.
Leonardo Storti said:
Melissa, you don't understand. Casual games are fine for us, but we gripe because there is too many of those type of games. It is not that I hate the Wii, the Wii has much potential. But, I just wish it had more variety of hardcore and violent games, I say when it comes to games for the Wii, it should be all equal. We all should get the same or equal amount of hardcore games and casual games. But what Nintendo did is just aim for the casual gamers because that is where the money lies, every company follows the money wherever it goes. And we hardcore players feel like we been stabbed in the back because we freaking made Nintendo on what it is now, and this is not what we wanted. We were expecting more games, don't just cater the casual and non-gamers, cater to us hardcore equally as the casuals, the hardcore gamers that have been supporting Nintendo since the very beginning. Is it really so hard to cater both? I don't think it is.
Geezer said:
Holy crap. As I sit here reading all of this, I am confounded at the level of immaturity and childishness being displayed.. or rather flaunted. It reminds me of being at my daughter's school and how the "big kids" in the 3rd grade don't want to have anything to do with the "little kids" in the 1st grade. Ganondorfrules writes in part: "We, the older more experienced gamers. I'm 15". Huh? Kid, I've got underwear older than you. Heck, I've got games that were created when you were still crapping in your diaper. Mandy of Death writes: "All 3 games sound LAME". Well, ~Mandy~, dear, DON'T PLAY THEM. It's really just that simple. Leonardo writes: "This is a message for the parents posts, honestly, why do you parents come here and even post?". First: learn to write, it will serve you well. "Parents" is a plural possessive & gets an apostrophe at the end (parents?). This whole thing is a giant run-on sentence. There should be a period after ?posts? and ?honestly? should begin a new sentence. Second: CHILL BUD. If we didn't come here and post, who would antagonize you? Who would you be trying to antagonize? You'd all be patting each other on the back saying "This sucks, this sucks? yes, yes, this sucks- okay we all agree this sucks". (Just remember- age & treachery beats youth & inexperience any time. Yeah, I didn't believe it either but it's only just now that I'm beginning to realize just how damn smart my old man actually was). I thought I had a lot of wisdom when I was 21. I think Veteran might back me up in saying "Kid, you're too young to know how much you don't know". A 21 year old with "much wisdom" - I highly doubt it. I'm not a programmer, but I'm willing to bet that the time and effort required to create a game for young kids is nowhere near that required to create a "grown-up" game for all of you 15 year old connoisseurs and aficionados. I don't think we're stealing that many precious development dollars. Look, you all want good games that you like and I want good games that my kid will like. Fine - you play the games you like and my kid will play games she likes. The last time I checked, this is still the United States of America and here, in the good ol' US of A, you get that choice. You can do that if you want to. Fantastic, isn't it? And think, it was a bunch of "old guys" who came up with that idea. Wow, go old guys.
Leonardo Storti said:
Geezer, I do not know what this has to do with my grammar, but you are not a know it all either. So do not be a dick or flatter yourself my friend, try harder next time because I am not impressed. Anyway, I did not come here to pick a fight. I will however, admit that I do not have awesome wisdom, and that goes for everyone too. So I exaggerated, but I do know what I enjoy and what I reject. I understand that you want your kid to play these games, and that is a good thing, it is a very good thing, it is called parenting, I know. But, for people that feel the same way as I do, we got stabbed in the back buddy. I still feel that the parents are to blame but that sounds greedy on my part if you ask me. It is just how we feel, it is not fair. But then again, all of this results to the point that Nintendo is a company and just follows the money where it goes. That is as logical as it can get, everyone knows that, we just ignore it. And with this, I close my argument, good day.
Nana said:
I am simply looking for games to buy my 5 year old grandson, not to get in a fight. I will mention that I bet it was parents who bought these complaining teens their first games, and can not imagine that they bought them the violent type. Now can someone list the good games for a 5 year old. He has a Mario race game, and some bowling/golf game he played when I was there last Christmas. I would like to buy another for him. Are any of the games fun and educational? Hey my kids started on Colecovision and Atari+ we had a couple of other systems when my son was older. We have dropped a lot of money on games over the years.
Nova said:
In my experience and observations, strict restrictions always cause massive backlash. If I remember right, the war on drugs only caused kids to use MORE drugs, simply because they were told not to do it. Forbidden fruit ideals always lead to the child taking the bite. Instead of banning all mention of violence from the house, may I suggest trying explaining to kids violence and its effects at an earlier age than in times past? As technology moves forward, more and more outlets for images of violence become available, several that you may not even know about or be able to prevent. Instead of your kids getting warped messages, try being the source for your kid's vision of violence and let it be a negative one. I'm not at all condemning any of your parenting practices, I'm just trying to suggest an alternative approach to violence in the real world vs the video game world that hopefully may work. Violence in games is fine to me as long as the player has a clear picture of what real-life violence is and does and the more children learn the truth and horror of violence, the less likely they will abuse it. This is of course a disputable hypothesis, seeing as I am not a parent. I want what's best for the world and for the gaming industry. Violent games should be used as stress reliefs, not aggressive stimulants.
mamaof2boys said:
Wow, so anti-children! Unbelievable! I think that the Wii has already made it's reputation and people know that there are games for everyone on the Wii. Little children want to be able to play video games and parents want to be able to buy non-violent games for their children. As least if they care about what their children are exposed to. My children are young and I would like to have some innocent games for him. At the same time, my husband would like games for himself to play and we'd like to only have to buy one gaming system instead of 2 or 3 to be able to meet our needs.
Kayla said:
Sex and violence sells? So do things orientated with children. Parents buy things to keep their kids happy. Parents make up a HUGE chunk of the spending. In fact on the news in Australia just the other week said the economy here has got BETTER even during the recession because of. You guessed it PARENTS buying things for their children. To be completely honest I would prefer to play a *hard core* game on a ps3 or xbox. The Wii just seems much more suited to more relaxed family enjoyment rather than anything else. I have 2 sons and my 6yr old as been playing Wii fit and Wii sports for about an hour now (we only got the Wii yesterday) and I don't even mind him playing for this long because at least he's not sitting on his butt in front of a computer. I think it's great they are bringing out games for kids and yes of course they sound boring to an adult/teenager/geek whatever because they simply aren't catered to your age group. I can tell you now my 3yr old would love Diego or VeggieTales or any of those. Stop ya bloody whinging. Children are the future and Nintendo is using that to their advantage. Make games for the market they are likely to sell in. Sex and Violence can be left for the PS3 or xbox. If ya don't like it, TOO BAD.