According to some there's a subliminal message right on the front of the Super Mario Galaxy box art!
Notice that certain letters in the title have little golden stars under them.
How people notice these things is beyond me.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
ganon man 62 said:
Nice find. Never noticed that before. That can cause some controversy.
shadow said:
That's kind of neat.
BonbonJoe said:
You're MR GAY. LMFAO. Could be true, who knows?
WiiNinja said:
Production humor! Always gets me.
Kitchwa said:
Methinks some people have way too much time on their hands if they manage to find this.
Nintendoof said:
Um. Apparently the people who put this on were gay. Uggghhh *shiver*.
insultman911 said:
Gimmie some time to see it.
insultman911 said:
Oh I see! And the little golden star things.
Erik said:
And if you look even closer, you'll notice that Mario is stuck in a compromising position in front of his little star buddy.
wiiboy101 said:
You never know, it just might have been on purpose. Thing is Nintendo is the law suit avoiding master, they'll probably change it now.
Zendalf said:
That's retarded.
Wii decimates all said:
Lol, you wait Mario. When Galaxy comes out you're going to die a lot on a lot of easy levels for this one.
mii said:
It actually says: you are mr gay very funny.
world wide wii said:
They're on the capitalised letters GalAxY.
wii rox said:
Could be a coincidence. Maybe Reggie'll tell us.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Great. Now these "People Against Games" are going to get on Nintendo for promoting homosexuality.
Keranu said:
I think it might just be real because it wouldn't make sense to put lightning on some of those letters.
Chaos said:
I have a feeling that this was the work of a really bitter designer forced to work overtime.
Master Foot said:
That's the most retarded pile of horse kaka I've ever heard. The person who figured that out probably looking for something to justify their clandestine homosexuality.
Unknown said:
I see it.
Elebot said:
Ha! That's a good one. Really funny.
man with cap said:
Why people care is beyond me.
TheCheeseMan said:
This is Hilarious.
Scooby Jew said:
Nice, Nintendo. Nice. It's going to be so awesome if they publicly admit that was their full intention to have that subliminal message on the box art, but I highly doubt that ever happening.
Wiimaster said:
Why do people waste time on that?
GiantApe said:
Geez and I thought Disney were pervs.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
That is very weird.
Splintercell4ever said:
Whoa, they must have no life.
BrothaZ said:
Heh WOW people go beyond to get a small laugh.
Super King said:
Woah. I just saw another secret message. If you look closely at Mario's hat. There's an M on it.
Lay-Z Boy said:
You are so idiotic.
Conner said:
You have a lot of time.
Wiiiii said:
Can't wait for this.
Nova said:
I don't think it was intentional.
dec3issofaraway said:
How the hell do people notice stuff like that?
tommy the wii dude said:
Whoa weird.
N00bhunter0 said:
No mario I'm not gay. The goomba is (pink one).
sidkid004 said:
Holy crap, now this is ridiculous.
dash said:
Jesus christ this is all a coincidence. And people, this isn't a subliminal message. If Nintendo DID do it purposely, it would be just for laughs. If it were subliminal, then people would start turning gay.
Quartz said:
sUpeR MaRio GalAxY. OH wow.
world wide wii said:
Hey master foot. Kaka is Ethiopian for crap. I'm just wondering. Are you Ethiopian?
This message is directed to the people that waste their time trying to find things on nintendo's games to sue them for.
ganon man 62 said:
If you look really closely you realize Mario's hat is red.
Game Veteran 2 said:
Oh my god! This is too much to be a coincidence. Someone's sabotaging Nintendo! I would fire the box art artist right away, he might really be a spy from Sony.
divinity boy said:
What a funny coincidence!? Can't wait for this game, GH3, and SSBB.
The Doc said:
You are MR GAY? What? If Mario was gay would he go so far to save a princess time and time again? NO! It's just a coincidence PEOPLE.
jazzman1914 said:
This is too funny. I hope people don't make a really big deal out of this.
Foonickle said:
And what's this?! In the back, you can see an image depicting Luigi and Mario getting it on! The things Nintendo hides on it's boxart these days, I swear. [Honestly. How can anyone think this is a subliminal message?].
LuiJake said:
Ha. How do people notice these things.
Master Yoshi said:
I'll believe this when Super Mario FX comes out.
TruBlu said:
Mario isn't gay. I am not homophobic believe me (nor am I gay), but that subliminal message is strange.
Fredicus iii said:
Naughty box art designers!
Tommy said:
Mario is not gay because he is in love with Peach remember, and Mario even kisses her. The star is really a girl and Mario smiles at everything like Luigi, Peach. Why do people say every two or three men that hang out are gay that is just saying every man that has adventures and hangs out with each other are gay. I hope you get beat up, the guy who did this.