Pokemon X & Y Toys Appearing in McDonald's Happy Meals Next Month

Pokemon X & Y Toys Appearing in McDonald's Happy Meals Next Month

US Locations Only

Fans of the Pokemon X & Y video games are going to want to catch 'em all at their nearest McDonald's location starting next month.

The toys will be available with a McDonald's Happy Meal purchase and will come with 12 TCG cards including 11 from the Kalos Starter Set and one from Game Freak's mascot Pikachu. From Pokemon X & Y, fans can collect their favorite starters whether it is Fennekin, Chespin, or Froakie.

Classic Pokemon favorites such as Blastoise, Venusaur and Charizard will be available for collection as well. The toys are all compatible with the McDonald's McPlay Power app, where mini-games can be downloaded and unlocked.

The current Amazing Spider-Man toys will make way for Pokemon X & Y toys starting May 23rd and will be available until June 12th.

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Joey Mesquita

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