Pokemon X

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Game Freak

Genres: RPG

US release date: Oct 12th, 2013 | EU release date: Oct 12th, 2013

Pokemon X

New Pokemon, a new storyline set in a spectacular 3D world, and dynamic battles instantly make Pokemon X and Pokemon Y two of the most highly anticipated video game titles of 2013.

"The worldwide launch of Pokemon X & Pokemon Y this October allows players to begin their adventures at the same time. Now, Pokemon fans across the globe can discover the secrets of Pokemon games and can collect, battle, and trade with each other immediately." - Tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of The Pokemon Company.

"We brought Pokemon into an entirely new dimension and we're incredibly excited to bring Pokemon X and Pokemon Y to fans. The stunning visuals, a completely redesigned environment, game scenario, music, and communication features will bring smiles to the faces of video game players around the world." - Junichi Masuda, video game director at GAME FREAK inc.

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Game Freak have what might be one of the most challenging jobs in the industry. How delicate a procedure it must be to move their astronomically successful franchise onto the most modern of the handhelds - the one that warrants the biggest aesthetic and innovative upgrade from...read full review

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