Looks like Sakurai is feeling guilty about the delay and has decided to give us a newsworthy update: Sheik is in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
You call upon Sheik by using Zelda's down special move. The model used is done in a Twilight Princess style, even though Sheik didn't appear in the game.
Sheik's special moves are:
Can I come in now? It's cold out here.
Er, it was like that when I got here.
To infinity and beyond!
Bet you can't go this high.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Keranu said:
Didn't know Princess Zelda was an Islamic scholar.
sidkid004 said:
By the way, Brawl has officially received a perfect score (40/40) from Famitsu, who is known to be pretty stringent in their reviews. So any doubt that this will be an amazing game should be completely gone by now.
Hyrule said:
Aeth said:
Well it can't fully apologize for the delay, but then in my book nothing can so I'll just have to deal. Anyway this is an awesome update and Sheik looks better then ever! Though I'm surprised they told us her Final Smash but didn't show us an example of it. After comparing this character with the original, the only change I see is that she now has a ponytail, though since we never really saw much of Sheik's back she might have always had one. Now I'm sure if they bring back Ganondorf he'll be in his Twilight Princess style, which everyone hope he is back. Though on another note, they should really have another Princess of Zelda game with Sheik in it, maybe even have Sheik join you with a little while and help you fight (Won't be the first time).
i need a wiieww said:
On the last pic Link stopped fighting to stare at a certain something.
smash fan x said:
Good rebound Sakurai, now we need a character every week.
blab355 said:
Wii Freak said:
Maybe tomorrow he will reveal captain falcon.
grumpy said:
Yay nice update.
wiicloud9 said:
Heh, we're all still mad Sakurai, but good update.
Sonic Phantom said:
Now this is the best update this since the delay. So, if they revealed Sheik, perhaps they are going to reveal more veteran characters like Captain Falcon.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
This is awesome. And now there's every character's special move set on the smash bros site. Can't wait.
YoshLee said:
I'm kind of happy but kind of annoyed because now my friend has access to the one character he can beat me with.
WiiNinja said:
It'd be so awesome if they made another Zelda title for Wii. With Sheik in it.
pichu fan said:
Finally, a returning character, Sheik. I love her incredible speed and attack. Looks like Zelda's transformation wasn't Midna thank god. Next up I bet everyone is coming back if Sheik can make it back.
BrothaZ said:
Wow this is really nice. I guess, yeah, he does feel guilty. But I think he's just overall making up for the 2 months he gave us half-crap updates.
Unity said:
Oh my god! I guess sakurai knows how to make up for the delay, but it'll take a lot more than this to make me completely satisfied.
Juan said:
Cool, but I'm still mad about the delay.
Ultigonio said:
Wait a minute, I thought Sheik DID appear in Twilight Princess? But only for an extremely short time.
Nintendoof said:
Cool. I'm happy with the delay. Sheik is one of my favorite characters. Glad she's back.
DragonFoxCoon said:
As good as this news is, I already figured Zelda and Shiek were one and the same still.
Link Q said:
Wow, sheik is cool, but link is ALWAYS cooler.
Kenny said:
*Link looks in between Sheik's legs*. Link: YOU'RE NO BOY.
SSB4LIFE said:
YAY. Sheik's back. I've got my edge with Zelda back.
DKX900 said:
Nice. I was waiting for Sheik to be announced. I bet several people loled at at the last picture because it's so tempting to make a pornographic comment.
zeldafan said:
Wow. I know that the twilight princess version of zelda is in brawl so I thought that sheik was a no-no because he wasn't in twilight princess. But no I was wrong. He looks cool though.
Master Foot said:
In the last pic, Link discovers that Sheik is actually NOT a man.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Great update. I am thrilled to have Sheik back, she was one of my favorites in Melee.
Rising Pheonix said:
Words cannot describe my excitement for this. SHEIK is finally back, this is officially the best news since Sonic. I can't write down how excited I am at all. This is insane.
Dox said:
I think her ponytail thing looks pretty badass.
Wiipaw said:
Schuper schweet update. Hey, Nintendo, could you do a TP version of Saria?
brawler200 said:
I always knew Sheik would be in Brawl.
Jared said:
And I thought Sheik wouldn't be in Brawl. Boy was I wrong.
Star Rod Kirby said:
Yes! Along with Sheik, Sakurai decided to add the names of everyone's special moves and their Final Smashes. So if there is anyone who's attacks weren't all given, they are there. Sonic's B Move - Homing Attack. Zero Suit Samus Down B Move - Flip Jump. Squirtle's B Move - Water Gun. He really must have felt guilty.
Zumwan said:
There was a very hidden update too today! If you click on Zelda, her moves are already there. The same as Melee, like Sheik. So, they bothered doing an artwork for Sheik while doing Twilight Princess even if she wasn't in the game? Another thing I expected were different Final Smashes, but checking Zelda's page you can see it is the same one.
Going Crazy said:
Sakurai, nice attempt but you have not made up for the delay. I don't know exactly what would make it up, only that it would need to be bigger than this.
Plaugefiend said:
Told you all that Zelda can't transform into the Twilight Princess. They are two different characters.
Jonny said:
C'mooon, I was expecting something horribly innuendo-ish for the last one. Link's eyes are practically in her/his crotch.
Falcon said:
The last picture is sort of awkward. Link finally finds out that Sheik is a girl.
Sexystf said:
doglover said:
More veterans, maybe they'll bring back Mew2.
insultman911 said:
Sheik made a new row in the veterans area! More characters might be coming.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Wii Freak said:
Today would have been a good day to reveal Captain Falcon.
me said:
Gina Beets said:
I wonder why it didn't show pictures of the final smash, and can Zelda be the only one to execute this?
Wii Collector said:
AWESOME! This means those rumors about Zelda's special attacks were probably true.
Scooby Jew said:
I don't really have much to say about this update; it's just Sheik. However, I guess I was wrong to be angry at first for Sakurai delaying Brawl again. Every time he delays Brawl, he adds tons of new things to the game: characters, stages, gameplay modes, etc. And those make Brawl just that much better to play than if he hadn't delayed it. Also, I suppose can take comfort in the fact that at least he isn't canceling the project altogether. Basically what I'm trying to say here is anybody that has bad feelings towards Sakurai for delaying Brawl again, that's totally natural, but he has no other choice than to delay it to raise Brawl to its full potential and you (or I) can't really hate him for that.
The Crimson Artist said:
Where's Pururin? I NEED Jigglypuff. I'm not that good. Anyway, it'd be cool if color changes included some different costumes like Ike's Radiant Dawn outfit. If there were different outfits, I wouldn't be mad any more.
YoshLee said:
Maybe whenever she gets the smash ball she transforms back to Zelda if she's currently Sheik.
dogman said:
Awesome update, but the only reason you remotely got away with the last delay is because you confirmed Sonic just before and that is the only way to make fans not be ticked.
Rising Pheonix said:
So Zelda's Final is 'Light Arrow'. I wouldn't like it if Sheik transforms into Zelda just to execute the final because I can't stand Zelda's patient speed (which is why I prefer Sheik, Meta-Knight, and Sonic). It'll look really cool if the final is half Zelda, half Sheik. Oh and the pony tail thing is totally badass! I hope Sheik uses the small sword because I've always imagined her having one (and I always drew Sheik with a sword around her waist so seeing Sakurai add that little detail is incredible to her character).
Link said:
Sheik is awesome compared to everyone.
SSB fanatic said:
Every single veteran and stage there has ever been in the Super Smash Bros series should be back in Brawl. It wouldn't be the same without those things.
sidkid004 said:
See? My constant chanting of Sheik's name made him get into SSBB. You're welcome Planet Earth.
Plaugefiend said:
Jonny, it's a her, even in Sheik form.
Plaugefiend said:
Wii Freak, they will reveal more characters soon. If I was you, I would check the Japanese version a couple of days later when Brawl comes out in Japan. That's what I'm going to do, and I don't care if it's cheating.
N0vaflar3 said:
W00t! One of my best characters, next to roy, luigi and falco. Oh, and forget you if you don't think luigi ownz mk? I frickin took down a level 9 bowser, ganondorf and mewtwo all on a team with him. It was awesome.
i need a wiieww said:
Wait I had a thought, does this mean the next zelda game based on the twilight princess area (beside crossbow training) will have sheik in?
bored said:
Sheik is one of my best characters. I knew she would be in.
Anthony said:
Wow. I was not excepting this at all. She looks way better than before.
Aeth said:
I don't think Sheik will use a sword but she does have some nasty long needles. I need a wiieww, the only new Zelda games that we currently know about have been released: Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass. Though it would be nice in a future Zelda game to have Sheik back, heck, maybe even make her playable (like have Link have an actual group he fights with).
Melody said:
Sheik's an awesome character, can't wait until the game comes out.