Some fresh news has come out about Spider-Man 3's control scheme on Wii. In a recent interview Jonathan Mintz, one of the game's developers had some interesting pieces of information on how the wiimote would get used.
As you'd expect, Spiderman's running movements are handled by the analog stick on the nunchuk and its Z button is for jumping.
Now the cool part (potentially anyway). When traveling through the air, the nunchuk and wiimote act as Spidey's left and right hands respectively. By holding the B button and flicking the wiimote, or holding Z and flicking the nunchuk, you will fling out a web-line in your chosen direction.
Combat sounds like it has some fun touches as well. The basics are covered by swinging the wiimote left or right for quick attacks and tapping on the A button for heavier moves. Moving the remote and nunchuk down together executes a strong move to finish off a weakened opponent.
Squeezing the B trigger fires off one of Spidey's web splats, holding an enemy tight. If you hold B down longer you can attach a web-line to your enemy for you to have some fun with. Spinning the wiimote around in a circle will have the guy swinging around overhead lasso stylee. When you're done with that, flicking both controllers upwards will perform a Web-Hammer, slamming your opponent into the ground.
It sounds like exciting stuff, previous Spider-Man games have been of a great quality so hopes should be high for this one. It's expected for a May release.
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
I might actually get this game.
Lickwid said:
This sounds like it has a lot of potential, let's hope it soars instead of running out of webs and splatting on the ground.
Scooby Jew said:
BrothaZ said:
Alright, when I get it I'll go tobey macguire on peoples asses!
Master Foot said:
Spiderman, spiderman, Wii is going to get Spiderman, Spiderman, spiderman dump sixaxis into the can, LOOKOUT Wii's getting SIPDERMAN!
wii rox said:
If this game rocks, who's gonna care about 720p?!
Gonzo said:
That's hot! I'm definitely copping this one.
cmk said:
DarkVic said:
Although this is off topic, I've came across a very interesting fact on the internet about the PS3. Apparently, the cell processor is a very complex system and many third party developers, Atari as an example, have decided to not develop any games for the PS3! Also, the developing games on the PS3 costs way more than the Wii and 360, so smaller game companies will not be developing for the PS3 as well. Some games have even been canceled for the PS3, Splinter Cell: Double Agent in particular. And this stuff sounds really good for the people who hate Sony, but don't stop reading, there's more! Apparently, because of how poorly the PS3 is doing on the markets, the creator of Metal Gear Solid will be bringing its 4th game to the 360, if the sales don't go up. I highly doubt that! (No detail if the Wii will get it as well). Things are looking grim for Sony, but certainly looking good for us Sony haters!
cmk said:
The first one was ok, the second was AMAZING! And this one had better be good (if anyone has no spiderman 2, go get it).
Ekaj185 said:
The developers of this game are really good. I forget the name.
Hey said:
Sounds a lot better than Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2. The city better be little more detailed though. I got really tired of the repeated textures in the former and latter games.
Zendalf said:
Pretty cool.
cmk said:
Darkvic that's awesome!
Master Foot said:
To DarkVic's post, it sounds like development costs and complexity on the highly touted Cell are much higher than they bargained for. With that in mind, I expect the PS3 version of Spiderman 3 to be much better than on other platforms, but that's questionable.
joey24 said:
Oh yeah.
Splintercell4ever said:
How is bad news for Sony good news for us. You have to think small. People who work for Sony have families, and are just like us. Now they may lose their jobs and have to work elsewhere. That just isn't something to hope for.
DarkVic said:
I think the Spiderman game will be best on the Wii because remember, even if a game is being on the PS3, the Cell processor will certainly not make it better for the same reasons I put on my recent post. Games will be much harder to develop on the PS3 so it is most likely this game will be underdeveloped. The complexity of Cell makes PS3 games much more difficult to develop. Plus, seeing how it costs higher to develop the game, other versions will probably have more features.
Gonzo said:
I do hope more games come to the Wii though.
Sm3freak said:
If it is how people think it will be then it will be the best spiderman game ever.
cman said:
The Wii version has more unlockables and venom has been confirmed to appear on the game.
TezzyF said:
All talk of graphics is pointless if the gameplay is repetitive. How long can you play a game just on looks alone? My favorite game at the mo is Godfather on Wii- graphics are basic but controls are fab. If Spiderman can get anywhere close to that I'm snapping it up for sure.
buffman said:
I just got a Wii and it is amazing! I'm already saving up for spiderman 3.
Franksy said:
Since I got my Wii in January I get one Wii game at the end of each month. But I'm a man with a master plan and since there were no games for the Wii in April I didn't get one, so now I can get one at the start of May. On May the 4th I'm phoning up woolworths to ask them to take one and keep it until I come and collect it.
david said:
I do hope Spiderman 3 can deliver the goods on Wii. I bought a Wii back in January and I only have Zelda and TW 2007 for it. I am anxiously awaiting SSB Brawl and Metroid Corruption, but from what I'm hearing about Spiderman I think it may just be my next purchase.
tu madre said:
I am going to try and get it today, but when I tried to reserve it they didn't have any spares, so I have to get it after school.
jfreak said:
I've been stuck between spidey and eye shield, but because eye shield is hard to find and spidey has higher ratings I think I'll go with that.
Devilbeard said:
I have played and completed it and it is a waste of time. I thought it would be brilliant, free-roam, 2.5x bigger than spiderman 2 (which was great) but I was sadly disappointed. A short game time and embarrassing graphics from a high height or by the sea. The story mode is short and the boss fights only last one minute. Scorpion and Kingpin, who were supposed to be in the game, were not which I thought disappointing and the alleged "5 storylines" claim is wrong, as the game follows one storyline but missions can be played in a different order, for instance 4 can be played before 2.
Martin Hartnup said:
I have got a Wii and Spiderman 3, but when it comes to the controls for the game they don't seem to work. The part I'm on is The Lizard aka Dr Connors. When I jump on the lizards back it says press a which I do then it gets you to shake the nunchuk then the remote then it comes up with the balance bar for spidey to stay on his back but when I try to stay balanced it goes to one side all the time, please can you assist me in any way by telling me how to balance using the controls, with kindest regards.
Spiderhelp said:
Hi Martin, you need to balance using the nunchuck joystick. I was stuck for a while until I discovered it. Enjoy.
spider-man said:
Any of you know that can you use a classic controller?