Spiderman 3 has no review on Wii's World.
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spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit aviatorgaming.info ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Ekaj185 said:
The movie looks so awesome. And if this game is any better than Spider-Man 2, I'm buying it.
Dave Falcon said:
You get to point your webshooter like a fps!
Gonzo said:
The game should be better than Spider-man 2 and also, it should have better graphics.
Coryd10 said:
I played the first two games and this one should be way better.
DarkVic said:
As a big fan of spiderman, I'm very excited for the movie and especially the game.
spartan999 said:
Awesome you guys.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
I'm starting to hate Spiderman. The movies are alright but I think it's too long already. But the second game was very addicting and was full of action. I MIGHT get the third game. I have too many upcoming Wii games in mind.
Black Spiderman said:
I don't usually do this. I liked the first and second game, but it needed more. Hopefully with the Wii version and the black suit it will be loads of fun.
Gonzo said:
It does have better graphics to me. I love the black suit. That's the best.
Zendalf said:
The graphics actually look really smooth in those screenshots. Maybe a buy for me.
Scooby Jew said:
Wow, that last screenshot is amazing.
Gonzo said:
I love the black suit and the graphics. I want this.
DJames said:
The Spiderman franchise has probably the only good games based on movies.
cmk said:
Those graphics look LOADS better than the ps2 sm2! Of course, they don't exactly look 'in game'.
cman said:
Spidey's black suit yay.
BonbonJoe said:
Spiderman 1 sucked because the swinging was plain "hold R". Spiderman 2 was addictive and awesome. Ultimate Spiderman was awesome because it was basically Spiderman 2 with Venom and different graphics. Now people, SPIDERMAN 3? 2007 is going to ROCK.
Couga Pounce said:
With the Wii version, you can turn into Black Suit spiderman whenever you want, which is exclusive to the Wii. No upgrades in that suit and you could black out and fail the mission.
Franksy said:
Seeing that my sister has broke her arm and I've been so nice to her mum has promised this as it comes out!
Franksy said:
I like the shading on the red suit and with all the good things people keep saying about it I think Activision are going up in the world.
geek gamer said:
Go spidey! But fix your suit, I think there's something wrong with it. Thought I better tell you if you didn't notice.
DJames said:
I saw the movie and please let there be a good and evil story path.
Franksy said:
I've got it! I'm on the first bit of the sewer level chasing doctor conners in lizard form in black suit.
vanillaface 117 said:
I cracked up at the SM3 review. It said, "at first, the controls may seem hard but eventually it will seem natural". Yeah, flying around town shooting web out of your wrists, doesn't seem too natural.
Coryd10 said:
I'm going to get this game.
wiifreak said:
I have this game, I really like it but the real let down is the way the scenery seems to appear and change when you swing around.
King V said:
I wish you could go to Lady Liberty. Oh well this game was okay I guess.
wii freak said:
I'm getting a Wii and got too many games in mind. This game is 2nd on the list.
Deadlyblack said:
Played it. Great game, better than the first two. You all need to get this game.
Venom said:
After you beat the final bosses, how the heck are you supposed to find all the meteorites and spider tokens? I have 10/100 meteor fragments and only 2/50 spider tokens. How is it possible to find them in Manhattan island, I mean can't he use his spider senses to find them all? This'll take forever!
Cris said:
Venom, did you already search in new york?
Cris said:
Only a joke but if you wanna get meteorite fragments only search in the top of some buildings and it'll sound a tub tub, but very soft. The spider emblems are like secrets in spiderman 2. Good luck.
khadar said:
To find the meteorite and the spider emblems all you have to do is listen for a low chiming sound around the buildings. It will work trust me, and when doing that turn up the volume. The sound will get louder and louder (that means you're close).
Cheese Flump said:
Right, I've heard a lot about these meteorite fragments, now I've found one. It looks like a big glowing round rock sitting in a crater. But it doesn't let me pick it up. What is all that about?
Spidey said:
I've heard that you can grab them with webbing and then swing them over your head in roundabout fashion, hitting other opponents.
the symbiote man said:
How the hell do I find the emblems? I've got four to go and I can't find them anywhere.
opy62 said:
I played this with a friend, it is the best game ever but it sucks on xbox 360.
Franksy said:
I'm at the bit at the end where I have to fight Venom and Sandman. How do I do it? I mean you have to fight them for four rounds in a row, and if you give up or die you have to start again. And they get harder each round.
bob said:
One of the meteorites is on the top of the big bridge.
Crazy Spider said:
Ya kidding, I defeated venom and sandman each 2 times and it was so easy.
Joey B said:
I am trying to find the 1st meteorite but I am finding it difficult to find. Any ideas?
harry said:
Meteorites are easy to find but emblems are not my friend.
Critical said:
Bad game. I still prefer Spidy's second game over this one. The controls are a mess. Good graphics can glitch up in the later chapters of the game. But it's a super easy game. Beat in 1:20:51.
easy peasy said:
So I beat it in 30:12.