Nintendo sponsoring Gladiators

Nintendo sponsoring Gladiators

Nintendo will be sponsoring a new series of the TV show Gladiators in the UK. This throwback from the 90s sees regular Joes competing against body builders and gym fanatics for pride and prizes.

It's thought Big N will be leveraging this deal to promote Wii Fit.

The new series will be shown on Sky One, hosted by ex-footballer Ian Wright and refereed by the original John Anderson. A list of the Gladiators:

  • Atlas
  • Battleaxe
  • Destroyer
  • Enigma
  • Ice
  • Inferno
  • Oblivion
  • Panther
  • Predator
  • Spartan
  • Tempest
  • Tornado
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Rob Jones

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Jonny said:



wiiboy101 said:

Very clever move Nintendo. I hated the old gladiators, I'll hate the new one too but as long as it brings consumers to Wii I don't care either way.


Wiipaw said:

Where's Ryu? They should have also used the sponsoring to promote SSBB.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Ech! If Gladiators flops, so will this. The risk is too high.


Keranu said:

Hey nice to see that Ice is making a comeback? Now where's Turbo?


Master Foot said:

I remember the original. It was hilarious when the scrawny contestants beat the hulking androgenous Gladiators. With respect to Wii supporting Gladiaors, I didn't expect that. The Wii is small and unassuming but the Gladiators stand for the contrary. Anyway, this is ideal exposure for WiiFit.


Senpai said:

What the.. that's either a bald dude wearing a super sports bra. Or it's a bald dude wearing a super sports bra to cover his man-boobs.

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jack said:

I love gladiators. I think that Nintendo will make a game on it.


Wiipaw said:

No way, jack. Nintendo is way too cool for that. Maybe another company though.


umpalumpa 1235 said:

Put gladiators as a game on Wii.

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