The Next Penelope

Published by Seaven Studio, Developed by Aurelien Regard

Genres: Racing / Shooting (1-4 players)

US release date: Dec 21st, 2017 | EU release date: -

The Next Penelope

Greek mythology, frantic races with shoot-'em-up action!

Set in a futuristic Odyssey, "The Next Penelope" is a fast paced action racing game with loud colors, an original story and a challenging risk-reward system.

As Penelope is looking for Ulysses through the galaxy, the player is free to explore the planets in any order. Each world features unique situations, races, even bosses, and new permanent abilities to enhance Penelope's spaceship.

Weapons can be mixed and used at any time, but all these abilities cost vital energy, so the player is very powerful and close to death at the same time!

If you've played a MicroMachines game, you'll feel right at home with the controls! (An alternative control scheme is available for newcomers as well.)

Special bonus missions to extend your journey after beating the main game are available then battle with your friends as Penelope's suitors, who are battling each other for glory in a local 4 players mode!

Also, HD rumble support!

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