Super Mario Odyssey

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Nintendo

Genres: Adventure / Platformer (1 players)

US release date: Oct 27th, 2017 | EU release date: Oct 27th, 2017

Super Mario Odyssey

This is the first sandbox game that allows Mario to fully explore his world since Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64 and Super Mario Sunshine on Nintendo GameCube.

Mario jumps out of the Mushroom Kingdom and embarks on a journey through mysterious new places and new experiences, such as sailing between worlds aboard an airship and the ability to throw Mario's cap. Super Mario Odyssey is scheduled to launch during the 2017 holiday season.

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Super Mario Odyssey, as of June 2018, has sold over over ten-million copies. While the game is commercially successful, it is also a critical darling, and averages a whopping ninety-seven points on the aggregate review site It should come to shock only a full review

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User comments

5 posts

Bup89 said:

This game is amazing!

6 years ago

10 posts

Wario said:

It??s cool how you can turn into a dinosaur now I know how big a T. rex is

5 years ago

10 posts

Wario said:

I don??t know whether were question marks

5 years ago

10 posts

Wario said:

This game is amazing

5 years ago

13 posts

MitchellStudios said:

I never played this before, but I saw people on YouTube play it.

4 years ago

3 posts

FellaHaterPeP said:


2 years ago

3 posts

FellaHaterPeP said:

because they stink of poop

2 years ago

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