Double Dragon II: The Revenge | NES

Published by Aksys, Developed by Technos

Genres: Fighting / Action (1-2 players)

Wii: Jun 21st, 2012 (US) | Jul 19th, 2012 (EU) [500 points]

3DS: Jun 12th, 2014 (US) | May 22nd, 2014 (EU)

Wii U: Aug 14th, 2014 (US) | Aug 21st, 2014 (EU)

Double Dragon II: The Revenge

In their quest to defeat the evil Shadow Warriors, the duo face nine missions up against deadly street gangs, ninjas, and huge mutant fighters! Traverse through construction sites, alleyways, and underwater hideouts filled with traps. Can Billy and Jimmy contend with the enemies before them and ultimately save the world?!

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