F-Zero Maximum Velocity | Game Boy Advance

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Nd Cube

Genres: Racing (1-2 players)

Wii U: Apr 17th, 2014 (US) | Apr 17th, 2014 (EU)

F-Zero Maximum Velocity

F-Zero is the ultimate futuristic racing challenge with the fastest vehicles and the most hair-raising courses in the universe.

The Link Cable for Game Boy Advance lets you pit your racing skills against up to three friends to boost, brake, bump and jump your way around the galaxy. There are both single-pak (1 Game Pak, 2-4 Game Boy Advances) and multi-pak link capabilities.

Solo racing is also back and as extreme as ever. Steer your way to the top of the Grand Prix circuit to unlock hidden tracks and vehicles. F-Zero for Game Boy Advance is an intense rush for speed freaks everywhere.

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