Rampage: Total Destruction

Published by Midway, Developed by Midway

Genres: Action (1 players)

US release date: Nov 19th, 2006 | EU release date: Dec 8th, 2006

Rampage: Total Destruction

Forty massive unlockable monsters and seven quaking international cities is a recipe for rubble. Virtually everything in the Rampage: Total Destruction environments can be damaged, broken, and utterly destroyed - enough to put a smile on any (little) monster's face.

Aided by power-ups, all monsters can be upgraded throughout the course of a single-player campaign, whilst multiple players can either compete or cooperate as they lay entire cities to waste, crushing human resistance to a tasty pulp. (Burp).

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User comments


wii thing said:

Didn't Rampage for the ps2 stink? Why does Midway think that this will be different.

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Luke said:

The last time I played Rampage was for the N64.


Pikaluk said:

It's fun haha. I love it.


p-nut said:

The previous games were dull. But maybe the wii controls will make it a little better.


Captain Jamesman said:

I like Rampage Wold Tour the best.


chees502 said:

I think they may use the controller not the remote.


Wii-Worshiper said:

Has anyone played this and was it any fun? Does not look like there is much depth to the game!

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aaron said:

Doesn't look that great, can you move anywhere or just in a 2-d fashion? This game looks like it belongs on consoles two generations ago! (The only rampage I played was on Gameboy).


DarkVic said:

Rampage doesn't really have a plot, nor a meaning. Sure wrecking stuff is fun, but you have to have some type of storyline to make a game truly worthwhile.


That One Guy said:

I remember this for the N64, I think this game is more intended for multiplayer than it is for single player.


Scooby!_Jew said:

I LOVED the N64 version for some reason. I think I just really like things that cause a lot of destruction. This would make a really interesting internet multiplayer game if you ask me, but knowing my luck some jackass would get on just to kill the other characters and not destroy any buildings. Whatever, I'm done. God Children of Bodom kicks ass.


creepy caucasion said:

This is exactly like the GC version with the same title and everything with more characters! There is a storyline at least in GC, the place made a soda and it mutated the people that tested it for commercials and they want revenge. You have to destroy certain building in certain cities with certain monsters.


Sonic Fan said:

Sweet! You can be a giant chicken and a giant mummy! Wuhaha!


Harock said:

Woot this game is a classic. Ah the fun of destroying a city.


Captain Jamesman said:

I am The Cluckinator! Fear me tiny humans or I will gobble you to DEATH! That's weird though. A giant chicken. I better call Sanji!


Harock said:

No it's not the cluckinator it's EpioDiablo i.e THE DEVIL CHICKEN.


Sonic Fan said:

Hey, Captain Jamesman? While you're calling Sanji, I'm going to call Peter Griffin and see if he can fight that giant chicken.


Sanji said:

Yo Jamesman, wheres the Giant Chicken you were talking about?


Captain Jamesman said:

I just got a phone call saying it was on a Rampage at Coco Village!


Nami said:

What!? Coco Village!? This is bad! I'm joining you Sanji!


Sanji said:

Never fear, Sanji's here! (Sanji & Nami head for Coco Village).


Captain Jamesman said:

Go get him guys! Turn that clucker into fried Chicken!


i went wii said:

Nooo! None of you can handle this! Colonel Sanders is the only one (KFC mascot).


Peter Griffin said:

I got here as soon as I could. Where is that giant chicken?


Sonic Fan said:

It's at Coco village! Hurry, Sanji and Nami might need backup!


Peter Griffin said:

Hold on, something's not right about this. (Call's on his phone)(10 seconds later). Looks like this is a job for (pauses for a moment) the A-Team. (Peter and his friends head inside the van and heads to Coco Village to help Sanji and Nami).


stanky ass man said:

It's awesome, it's the only game me and my dad play.


Nami said:

Who the hell are you?


Captain Jamesman said:

Nami, this is Peter Griffin & his A Team. They will help you to kill that chicken. That is unless Peter points his ass in the wrong direction. So be careful!


Sonic Fan said:

Hey, watch it Captain Jamesman! I can be retarded but I can still kick ass! Hey Sanji, uh. Can you cook that chicken after we kill it? Because Lois won't let me come back ever since that last chicken she tried to cook was already eaten. And don't ask who ate it? (belches).


Sanji said:

Uhh. Sure, no problem Griffin. But I'll need fire in order for me to cook it. Any type of flame will do.


jman0726 said:

I'm a bit skeptical about this game. Don't get me wrong, I always used to play the old school version with my friend but it looks hard to control and what is with the giant chicken?


Crimson Demon said:

I love the gamecube version so this one might kick butt.


Peter Griffin said:

Ok, which do you prefer hell flame or inferno flame?


stonehands said:

I played the gamecube version and after about half an hour I was like omg look more of the exact same people, exact same buildings and slightly different yet same cars. I think these guys need to step up the originality some more. For example, put in some free roam so it's more than a side-scroller. If you add more characters and make a new game give each character a more distinct special ability than "look at me I can jump REALLY HIGH!" or "I can fly!" or "I can walk really slow and lose all the time!" like come on, if you got more power in the system to do stuff with, take advantage of it.


Captain Jamesman said:

How bout Hell Flame Peter!


Peter Griffin said:

Alright! Now let's take care of this giant chicken. *takes out a machine gun and shoots at the giant chickens head* take that you dumb chicken!


Captain Jamesman said:

Well, that was interesting. I thought you were going to shoot flames from your ass.


Peter Grffin said:

And what makes you think I would do that, huh? I'd like to see you try.


stinky12694 said:

Peter, you hit him low, I'll hit him high. But seriously folks, game looks good.


Captain Jamesman said:

I said that because I saw you shoot flames from your ass once. But still, you guys killed the chicken. So let's eat! You joining Sonic Fan?


Captain Jamesman said:

Yo stink. Don't think I'm defeated that easily! I have Mario & Dizzy from Guilty Gear on my side! Ready guys?

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Mario said:

You got it CJ!


Dizzy Guilty Gear said:

Let's not be too rough on them you guys.


Prinny said:

I call the chicken legs dood!


Captain Jamesman said:

I even got Stewie Griffin on my side. (Cuz I gave him $575!) Eat that! Nobody can beat me or my 4 friends, Mario, Dizzy, Prinny, and Stewie!


Stewie Griffin said:

I get to kill the fat man! At least Betram isn't here.


Genzo said:

Don't celebrate then kill each other yet doods. THE GIANT CHICKEN ISN'T DEAD!


Quagmire said:

Say Nami, want to go out with me after this whole thing is done? Giggity giggity.


Sonic Fan said:

Well, I have two other friends with me. And they are Knuckles and Mr. 2 Bon Clay.


Nami said:

Eww! No way you pervert!


Captain Jamesman said:

Uh oh! Bon Clay!? That gay ballerina!? It could be the end of us all! Huh? Hey, well what do we have here, it's my childhood friend, Nakoruru!


Nakoruru said:

Hi Jamesman. Long time no see. Need some help?


Captain Jamesman said:

Yes. We need to defeat stinky12694 & Sonic Fan's army. And we need to get Quagmire away from Nami.

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Mario said:

*whispering to Jamesman* Hey Captain. How bout we dress Sonic Fan up as a female nurse.


Captain Jamesman said:

I like the way you think Mario. Let's do it!


Mr. 2 Bon Clay said:

Alright big boy, let's see what you got.


Knuckles said:

I'll crush that thing with my bear hands.

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