Which is your favorite classic Mega Man game? | ||
Mega Man 1 | ![]() | 665 |
Mega Man 2 | ![]() | 1419 |
Mega Man 3 | ![]() | 713 |
Mega Man 4 | ![]() | 261 |
Mega Man 5 | ![]() | 222 |
Mega Man 6 | ![]() | 212 |
Mega Man 7 | ![]() | 308 |
Mega Man 8 | ![]() | 311 |
Mega Man 9 | ![]() | 301 |
Mega Man 10 | ![]() | 1047 |
Total votes: 5459 |
DSi - The latest Nintendo DS model
Yes | ![]() | 564 |
No | ![]() | 557 |
Maybe | ![]() | 375 |
Total votes: 1496 | Comments |
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User comments
YoshLee said:
Like most voters I went with Megaman 2 but the original Megaman was a close second.
supersonicyoshi said:
I liked megaman 2 also but I had to go with megaman 9, I'm just really in to that game. The new megaman is ok but not as good as the prequels.
64supermario said:
I went with Megaman 3, probably just because I have so many memories of playing that game, losing a lot, but still having fun.
Lolmonkey said:
MM2 equals beast.
yourface said:
Go megaman 7.
anthonys said:
It is the best game but I am a girl.
Yori said:
I can't remember which one that was the best one I've played! So I just picked any.
YiEver said:
I voted for megaman 3 but second I would pick megaman 1.
Tristyn said:
I have to agree with 64supermario in the sense that that was the period of gaming where it was fun to lose sometimes. Nowadays, it's just frustrating where you want to trade the game in, then later on, you want to get it back. I liked it better in the olden days of gaming.
zidane165 said:
Mega Man 3, to me, is by far the best in the series. Not only did it continue with what Mega Man 2 did by including 4 more robot masters, but it added the sliding function which to me, made the game complete. Mega Man doesn't need a Mega Buster that you can charge up. The Doc Robots brought an additional challenge and made the game longer and the Wily Bosses in his castle were very fun to fight against. I can't say for sure about those that voted for 9 and 10 and what their age group or Mega Man background includes, as I did enjoy those newer games as well. They just didn't bring to me the same kind of love I shared with the original NES games I grew up with.
omer erez said:
I can't remember which one that was the best one I've played! So I just picked any.
viper34 said:
Megaman 3 was the best.
phonix guy said:
Viper 34 is ugly.
viper35 said:
Megaman 4 was good but my personal favourite was megaman 6.
thegamemaster81 said:
My favorites in order: Mega Man 3 (the best), Mega Man 2, Mega Man, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 6, Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8.
a said:
They are rubbish.
Captain Jamesman said:
Mega Man 2 without a doubt! :D BUT... The 1st one gets a little more praise from me because of the memorable Robot Masters!
terry said:
I vote mega man 8.
Bulbasaurus Rex said:
MM10 for one reason: Easy Mode.
dk2203 said:
I remembered playing mega man 2 as a kid. Took me like a year to beat it.
Bigsaxy02 said:
Mega man 3, without a doubt. Best music, best gameplay, great ending.
ClassicGamesRule said:
Megaman 2, just because of Wily's Castles Theme. I'm dead serious. If it didn't have that kick ass theme (Okkusenman!), I would have gone with Megaman 1.
gabby said:
darrk said:
Mega man 3 is amazing.
DarkDude said:
I put Mega Man 9 because it's the only one I beat and I like games that I can beat.
Tinyman said:
I got megaman 10 on Wii and I enjoyed it so I went for it.
goomba234 said:
Mega man 4 is the best of the lot, 10 won't match 4.
luigi rules said:
I got to say mega man 2 is awesome.
mm6 said:
Mm6 was the first mega man I ever played. Maybe that's why it's still my favorite.
mega said:
Best is 2 then 3, and I have played and beaten all of them.
courtney said:
Mega man 10 is best.
wootdawoop said:
Dude megaman 4 all the way.
soyrobin2001 said:
Megaman 9 and 10 shouldn't be on the list. Those are not 'classic'. My favourite one it the first Megaman.
MetalMan said:
I lived for MegaMan when I was little. I was obsessed with Two, but Three and One were terrific games-- in that order.
Yea said:
I voted mm10 because it's awesome.
Looby said:
How come no one likes Mega Man 6? The levels were pretty intricate, the bosses were cool, and I very much enjoyed what they did with the Rush upgrades.
SirLinzelot said:
Ok ok ok Mega Man 2 is awesome, I grew up with it. Any young guy/child who votes 9 or 10 has a made a good choice. Why? These people xxxxx on graphics, style and in and out. They knew what's good.
brentalfloss said:
2 was tight, 7 was shite, for realz see 3 was pretty good, and 4 was good. And 5 and 6 were ok, but 7 sucked big dinasour ballz pow pow.
Oblivion709 said:
1: Good 2: Best in series 3: Great 4: Good 5: Decent 6: Ok 7: Terrible. 8: Better than 7, pretty good. 9: Great! 10: Good.
YoshiKid12 said:
I picked mega man 7 because that's the only one I remember well and 1 but I sucked at them.
tyler said:
Number1 because he really brings himself out.
adam said:
I remember mega man 10 since I was little.
bazezaz said:
Mega man 8!
Tennindo said:
Personally I loved Megaman 2 and it seems the fans agree.
Adam said:
For myself. From favourite to least favourite- 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6, 9, 10. I've never played 8, not yet anyhow.
Ceta said:
I vote Megaman 2 cause I grew up playing that game 8).
infiniteshadow85 said:
I went with Megaman 7 because to me it was the best in the series.
lestat said:
Megaman 2 was so good, I'll never forget the music.
Rockman19 said:
Me I love megaman 10 simply because you can be bass.
cipran said:
Why isn't megaman and bass here? It is a classic megaman game, the story begins after megaman 8, it uses similar sprites and improved gameplay, it is more like megaman 8 than megaman 9 is (this game is 75% different).
Eh said:
C'mon. No love for MegaMan 8? Or MegaMan & Bass? I voted MegaMan 8, but if it wasn't in the list, I would've went with 3.